Friday, January 21, 2011

Things I've Noticed...

Ok....Here are some things I've noticed since I've started this staying at home adventure:

1. You'd be amazed how easy it is to 'overlook' the importance of dental hygiene. You wake up and it's go go go. Before you know it, it's 2pm and you realize...'I haven't brushed my teeth!' Yes, I know...this is quite disturbing. But when you have no place to be it's easy to forget. Then 4pm rolls around and you still haven't brushed them.

2. Remember when going to the potty was an oh so secretive thing? Well then you get married and ultimately become brave enough to leave the door cracked while tinkling...maybe even so bold as to carry on a conversation with hubby. Well, when you have a kid....kiss privacy goodbye! Days of shutting the door and a shout of 'I'm in the loo..' are over. You have an audience...every time you go. And they will be very curious as to what you are doing.

3. When you are teaching your kids what things are....they start to notice those things every where and recognize them proudly by pointing them out. Well when your kid loves 'balls' then all things round are now balls. Pointing and saying 'ball' is very common around this house. And when your kid points to your boob and calls it a 'ball'...just go with it.

4. Pets. You wonder what they do all day while you are at work. Well, wonder no more. I am here to tell you they do nothing. Unless you consider constant nagging to throw the toy as something...then they do nothing.

5. Cleaning the house never ends. It never ends. It never ends. You'd think now that you are home you could get away with wearing the same outfit multiple days and you'd have much less laundry to wash. How is this not true????

6. When naptime comes and you finally have a few minutes to watch TV. Nothing is on. Trust me...nothing. Unless of course you like the 'I didn't know I was pregnant' shows. At least this confirms that you are smarter than some other people, because YOU knew!

7. Lastly, you realize that you have become one of those people who always talk about their kids. Case in point....Biddle Brilliance.


  1. You are too funny Sam!! I can actually relate to some of "work from home" days always seem to render me useless as far as hygiene and make-up LOL!
